Silkstone Environmental undertake a range of site investigation, geotechnical and geo-environmental services which can be integrated with any of the other services provided by the company. Reports are comprehensive and concise and where required include an executive summary written in plain English for the non-technical reader.

Site Investigations are undertaken where ground conditions require characterisation. This may be for one or more of the following reasons:

  • To satisfy planning conditions
  • To satisfy a building control, bank or insurance company requirement
  • Environmental due diligence for property acquisitions
  • To assess the potential risk to human health and the environment from contamination
A site investigation
  • To enable the correct design of foundations or excavations for new build or infrastructure engineering
  • To investigate a problem with rock faces, slope failure, subsidence, collapse, heave, or problems caused by historic mining (including coal and other minerals) or quarrying activities
  • To assess mineral reserve
A rotary rig with a view of Sheffield in the background

Depending upon the specific requirements of the project, a phased approach is usually followed involving the following:

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Phase 1 Preliminary risk assessments (desk studies)

These typically include an historical land use review, a site walkover (inspection/ reconnaissance by an appropriately qualified and experienced Silkstone Environmental engineer) an assessment of the underlying geology and potential impact from mining, an assessment of the hydrogeological conditions and the site hydrology, the proximity of areas of filled ground (including landfills) and a conceptual site model to identify potential pollution source, pathway-receptor linkages and geo-environmental risk assessment.

Icon to show phase 2 investigation

Phase 2 (Intrusive) investigations for geotechnical conditions

These investigations are undertaken where it is necessary to determine ground conditions for construction or excavation. Both factual and interpretative reports can be provided.

Icon to show phase 2 investigation

Phase 2 (Intrusive) investigations for contaminated land

These investigations are undertaken on 'brownfield' land and determine the level of risk from contamination and, where appropriate, from ground gas.

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Phase 3 Remediation strategy

This includes a review of the contamination remediation options (options appraisal) and strategy for the preferred option (with remediation supervision and / or validation monitoring).

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Phase 4 Post remediation verification report

This records the remedial works carried out with reference to relevant documentary evidence, including post remediation testing results.

Techniques used in intrusive investigations include the following:

  • Cable percussion, rotary drilling and windowless / dynamic sampling
  • Dynamic probing
  • Trial pitting with machine excavator (including soakaway testing where required)
  • Ground penetrating radar and other geophysical techniques
  • Laboratory testing using accredited laboratories
Rotary drilling as part of geotechnical services

Other services related to ground conditions include:

  • Design, supervision and construction quality assurance (CQA) of earthworks, including embankments, clay liners for ponds and lagoons, and landfill liners
  • Design and supervision of operations to make safe mine and quarry workings, and natural voids
  • Slope and rock face assessments for health and safety, and design and supervision of new faces and slopes
  • Investigation of flooding and design of remedial measures
  • Expert witness work in any of the fields described
Design, supervision and construction of a landfill site

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a preliminary risk assessment?

A Phase 1 Preliminary Geo-Environmental Risk Assessment is a structured desk-based study designed to evaluate potential environmental and geological risks associated with a specific site or piece of land.

What is a preliminary risk assessment process for?

It is typically carried out as a requirement of planning conditions and due diligence for property development, redevelopment, or land acquisition and is an essential first step in understanding the site's suitability for its intended use and the potential requirement for further investigation.

What are the 5 things a risk assessment should include?

A site walkover, historical land use, Conceptual Site Model (CSM), Qualitative Risk Assessment and Recommendations

What is the purpose of a desk study?

A desk study is an alternative name for the Phase 1 Preliminary Geo-Environmental Risk Assessment. The purpose is to identify and assess potential contamination risks early in a project, inform decision-making for property acquisition or development, ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and protect human health and the environment.

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